I hate going to the dentist. Despite the fact that I've always had a great dentist, I loathe going. Embarrassingly enough, my current dentist has a note in my chart that says, "Doesn't like getting her teeth cleaned." At least they know. However, when I went for my 6 month check-up this summer, I had the most painless teeth cleaning ever. I think part of it has to do with the fact that they are extra careful with the cleaning, thanks to the nice note, but also because of my switch to a cleaner, healthier toothpaste and mouthwash.
I tend to jump into things with both feet, so when I started thinking about chemical-free cleaning products I also considered healthier body products including toothpaste. I Googled homemade toothpaste and read an article of an extreme case of a little girl whose teeth were actually decaying because of the ingredients in conventional tooth paste. Knowing that children's bodies have a harder time dealing with chemicals than adults, I thought I'd probably be fine with regular toothpaste. Besides, I have used it all my life. However, wanting all of my house and body products to be clean, I looked beyond the article and found a recipe for homemade toothpaste. The recipe called for baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, both items I had on hand, both inexpensive. I mixed up a batch and tried it out, but my gums immediately started burning and felt raw for days. Not quite what I was looking for. I was going to have to find a more conventional, but at the same time natural toothpaste.
Off to Whole Foods. Whole Foods has a wide array of healthy toothpastes. I grabbed a couple different brands and took them home to try them out. I even challenged R2 to swap out his regular toothpaste and give one of the healthier ones a try. The outcome: R1, Weleda salt toothpaste, and R2, Spry toothpaste. So now I buy both. For mouthwash, I like using plain old hydrogen peroxide, but I also bought some Spry mouthwash because R2 insists that "conventional" mouthwash is the only guarantee for healthy teeth. He really likes the Spry mouthwash, although I do think he sneaks in some bright blue Listerine every now and then!
Three months into my Weleda and hydrogen peroxide teeth regime, I am at the dentist for my 6 month cleaning, and the cleaning was virtually painless. They told me that my teeth and gums were healthier than they had ever been. I hadn't changed my habits, just the products I was using. That's where the rubber meets the road. You can argue that conventional toothpastes aren't really that bad, but I have never been told that my gums were really healthy, and I have never had that painless of a teeth cleaning. I use less than a pea-sized amount of the Weleda toothpaste and the tube lasts about 3 months. And I got great results. Hydrogen peroxide is also great for cleaning, whitening, and healing. Are you up for the challenge?
Hi Rebecca! I recently started using Tom's...no dentist run yet with it. In your research, have you found any benefits/detriments to it?? I'd be interested to know! Wish we had a Whole Foods here... anyway, do you dilute the HP at all?? I've heard about issues with enamel and full-strength HP and I've been stingy with my use of it as a mouthwash. My daughter has terrible issues with bad-breath. It's more systemic and not related to tooth decay or care. The HP takes care of it - but I'm worried about the enamel prob. Would love to know if you've found any worries with that as well! You are my personal "natural product laboratory"!